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A Personalized Healthy Weight Management Program at Vitalis-Health

Are you looking to lose weight, improve your health markers, and make sustainable lifestyle changes? Vitalis-Health is excited to announce our new Elevate 90 program designed to provide you with the tools, support and accountability you need to reach your goals.

What's Included in Elevate 90:

  • 90-day personalized nutrition and lifestyle coaching program
  • Initial 1-hour comprehensive assessment and goal-setting session
  • Body composition analysis using bioimpedance technology Monthly
  • Tracking Blood work and lab test review to identify root causes impacting weight (cost of labs not included)
  • Review Food sensitivity and gut health testing (KBMO FIT test) if needed (cost of labs not included)
  • Customized nutrition plan based on your unique needs and preferences
  • Bi-weekly 30-minute accountability check-ins and progress tracking
  • Tailored exercise recommendations
  • Educational materials, recipes, and online resources
  • Direct access to our certified nutritionist, personal training, nurse and health coach all in one

How It Works:

The program kicks off with an in-depth 1-hour consultation where we review your health history, labs, conduct body measurements, and collaboratively set your 90-day goals. You’ll receive your personalized nutrition plan and meet with your coach every 2 weeks to review progress, make adjustments, and get the support you need. Between visits, you’ll implement the diet and lifestyle changes, log your food, and communicate with your coach as needed.  

Who It's For:

Elevate 90 is perfect for anyone struggling with weight issues, pre-diabetes, insulin resistance, hormone imbalances or food sensitivities. This program will be tailored to your unique situation and goals, where weight loss is not the focus as that is a natural benefit as your body gets healthy. With our medical oversight and testing, we can design a plan that addresses your specific root causes.

Program Cost:

As an introductory offer, we are providing preferred pricing for our DPC members:

DPC Members: $395 for the full 90-day program 

Non-Members: $595 for the full 90-day program

Spaces are limited so act now to reserve your spot!

Take the first step towards enhancing your health and reaching a healthy weight that you can maintain for life. To learn more or enroll in Elevate 90, contact our office today. We can’t wait to support you on this exciting journey!